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P: 419-629-8606       F: 419-629-0115

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School Delays and Cancellations

Whenever the health or safety of our students may be in jeopardy due to weather conditions, contagious illnesses or utility problems, the New Bremen School District may need to delay or close school for the day.

Announcements will be made as early as possible; however, there are always unpredictable situations which could cause a late announcement. We ask that students and parents do not call the school or the homes of school personnel for information concerning a delay or cancellation.

Delay and cancellation information will be broadcasted on the following:

Radio StationsWCSM (Celina) 96.7 FMWKKI (Celina) 94.3 FM
TV StationsWHIO (Dayton) CBS Channel 7WLIO (Lima) NBC Channel 12/35

In addition, New Bremen Schools use a Mass Notification System called The Education Connection (TEC). When parents complete their annual forms at the beginning of each school year, they can designate which of their phone numbers they would like to be called on for delays and cancellations. If necessary, parents can also change those numbers throughout the school year by calling their school office.

In addition, we also provide notification of delays and cancellations through text message. To sign up for our text message service for delays and cancellations, text @newbremenw to 81010. (Please note that message and data rates may apply.)

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