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Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler

New Bremen Schools utilizes online scheduling for Parent-Teacher conferences. We believe this assists parents in scheduling appointment times that best suit their needs, as well as frees up valuable classroom time that our teachers would otherwise have to spend scheduling conferences.

The following instructions will guide you through how to schedule your Parent/Student Teacher Conferences using the SuperSaaS Scheduling website.

  1. Use the appropriate link below to schedule conferences for you child in the appropriate building. These schedules will be open beginning October 28, 2024 at 8:00AM and will close on November 10, 2024.
    Online Scheduler for Students in Grades K-6Online Scheduler for Students in Grades 7-12
  2. Click the blue ‘sign in’ link located in the upper left corner of the screen
  3. You will need to Create a New User Account (link in blue located right below the login button). Due to privacy laws, everyone must create a new account, even if you created an account in the past on this site.
  4. Enter your e-mail address (confirmation of your new account as well as selected appointment times will be e-mailed to the address you specify), enter a password, enter the Parent(s) full name, as well as a Telephone number. (These are all required fields, so please be sure to provide accurate, up-to-date information for each field.) Once complete, click on the “Create” button.
  5. You will be brought to a calendar where you can begin scheduling parent-teacher conference times.
    1. For grades K, 1, and 4, select your child’s homeroom teacher from the colored teacher links located near the top right of the screen. (Please schedule with your child’s homeroom teacher ONLY.)
    2. For grades 2 & 3, select your child’s reading teacher from the colored teacher links located near the top right of the screen. (Please schedule with your child’s reading teacher ONLY.) A note will be attached to your letter specifying your child’s reading teacher.
    3. For grades 5 and 6, select the grade level from the colored links located near the top right of the screen. These meeting times will include all three grade level teachers. You will choose either one of the two group time slots for the appropriate grade (i.e. 5thGrade-1, 5thGrade-2). The group number does not need to align with your child’s homeroom.
    4. For grades 7-12, select the teacher you would like to schedule a conference with from the list of teachers located near the top right of the screen.
  6. After selecting the appropriate teacher, use the calendar located on the far right of the screen to click on the date you wish to schedule appointments (November 19th, November 21st or November 22nd).
  7. Appointments are available in 20 minute intervals. Simply click on the desired time listed in white. (Filled appointment times will be indicated by the same color as the teacher name/group you selected.) 
    1. For parents who would like to schedule IN-PERSON conferences, dates and times are available as follows:
      Tuesday, November 19th: appointments are available from 4:30PM until 7:30PM.
      Thursday, November 21st: appointments are available from 4:30PM to 7:30PM
      Friday, November 22nd: appointments are available from 8:00AM to 10:40AM
    2. For parents who would like to schedule TELEPHONE conferences, dates and times are available as follows: Friday, November 22nd, appointments available from 1:00PM to 2:40PM
  8. A “New Conference” box will appear, specifying the 20 minute window available, your specified Parent(s) Name, as well as the Teacher/Group selected. You will need to type in the Student’s First and Last name (type their given name, not a nickname). Then click the “Create Appointment” box at the bottom to finalize the appointment.
  9. An e-mail will be generated to the e-mail address you specified when creating your account.
  10. If you have more than one child, continue to make appointments following steps 5-9 explained above.
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